Williamsport, PA Real Estate Overview | Fish Real Estate

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Williamsport Schools and Demographics


Elementary Schools near Williamsport, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Central Elementary School KG - 04 500 14 17702
Cochran El School KG - 03 425 13 17701
Donald E. Schick School PK - 05 750 16 17754
George A Ferrell Elementary School KG - 06 140 17 17762
Hepburn-lycoming Elementary School KG - 03 327 15 17728
Jackson Elementary School KG - 03 479 12 17701
Joseph C Ashkar Elementary School PK - 06 500 14 17737
Loyalsock Valley Elementary School KG - 04 250 13 17754
Lyter Elementary School KG - 04 380 14 17754
Rommelt Elementary School 05 - 06 205 14 17702
Stevens Elementary School KG - 03 260 11 17701

Middle Schools near Williamsport, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
C E Mccall Middle School 05 - 08 600 14 17754
Curtin Middle School 04 - 06 525 10 17701
Loyalsock Twp Middle School 06 - 08 365 12 17701
Lycoming Valley Middle School 04 - 06 550 12 17701
Williamsport Area Middle School 07 - 08 815 0 17701

High Schools near Williamsport, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Hughesville Junior-senior High School 07 - 12 780 14 17737
Loyalsock Twp Senior High School 09 - 12 458 13 17701
Montoursville Area Senior High School 09 - 12 652 13 17754
South Williamsport Area Junior-senior High School 07 - 12 600 12 17702
Williamsport Area Senior High School 09 - 12 1,550 13 17701

Ungraded Schools near Williamsport, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Lycoming Ctc 10 - 12 372 34 17737

Demographics near Williamsport, PA

City County
Population 28,237 115,216
Population Density 3,233 94
Median Age 34.1 42.2
People per Household 2.3 2.4
Median Household Income 42,397 56,961
Average Income per Capita 25,128 29,080

About Williamsport, PA

Incorporated in 1806, Williamsport is the county seat for Lycoming County, Pennsylvania in the United States. Internationally known as the birthplace of Little League Baseball, annually Williamsport invites the people from all over the world to spend the last 2 weeks of August celebrating the best in youth baseball.

Williamsport's roots are in the surrounding hills. In the late 19th century, the community was known as "The Lumber Capital of the World" due to its thriving lumber industry. With the success of the lumber industry, Williamsport took on another world first, becoming known for having more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the world, as witnessed by the local high school nickname "Millionaires".

Today, Williamsport is a thriving community, becoming a central hub for many of the Gas & Energy and Servicing companies that support the development of the Marcellus Shale field, one of the world's largest suppliers of natural gas.

Welcome to Williamsport, a community that is quick to celebrate special occasions, events and significant holidays, such as Mardi Gras and the St. Patrick's Day parade. Williamsport also welcomes the world to its unique celebration of First Friday, a special celebration on of the first Friday of every month.

Williamsport Map

Williamsport real estate offices

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Fish Commercial Group
1868 E. Third St.
Williamsport, PA
(570) 326-4067
Realtors & Staff

Fish Real Estate - Williamsport
1868 E. Third St.
Williamsport, PA
(570) 326-1561
Realtors & Staff

Fish Real Estate - Lock Haven
220 N. Jay St.
Lock Haven, PA
(570) 893-4220
Realtors & Staff

Real estate near Williamsport