Jersey Shore, PA Real Estate Overview | Fish Real Estate

Jersey Shore Real Estate Market Conditions

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Jersey Shore Schools and Demographics


Elementary Schools near Jersey Shore, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Avis Elementary School KG - 05 200 14 17740
Central Elementary School KG - 04 500 14 17702
Hepburn-lycoming Elementary School KG - 03 327 15 17728
Jersey Shore Area Elementary School KG - 05 600 14 17740
Robb Elementary School KG - 04 473 11 17745
Rommelt Elementary School 05 - 06 205 14 17702
Salladasburg Elementary School KG - 05 180 14 17740
Woodward Elementary School KG - 04 200 13 17745

Middle Schools near Jersey Shore, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Jersey Shore Middle School 06 - 08 463 12 17740

High Schools near Jersey Shore, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Jersey Shore Area Senior High School 09 - 12 720 12 17740
South Williamsport Area Junior-senior High School 07 - 12 600 12 17702

Ungraded Schools near Jersey Shore, PA

Grades Students P/T Ratio ZIP
Sugar Valley Rural Cs KG - 12 475 8 17747

Demographics near Jersey Shore, PA

City County
Population 4,362 115,216
Population Density 3,768 94
Median Age 37.7 42.2
People per Household 2.5 2.4
Median Household Income 50,781 56,961
Average Income per Capita 23,660 29,080

About Jersey Shore, PA

Located alongside the West Branch of the Susquehanna River some 24 miles west of Williamsport Pennsylvania lays the borough of Jersey Shore. No, you won't find the likes of Snooky, Paulie, or Mike "the Situation" from the famed reality TV show residing in the only real "Jersey Shore".

The naming of the community developed from competing communities Waynesburg and Nippenose Townships,as local lore has it, a rivalry developed between the two settlements, and those on the eastern shore began referring to the settlement on the western shore as "the Jersey Shore" because the original founding family had relocated from New Jersey. The name became so affixed to the location that the name was officially changed in 1826 from Waynesburg to what is known today as Jersey Shore. Jersey Shore boasts a population of approximately 4,000+ residents, a warm and welcoming community, nestled amongst excellent recreational camping, fishing and hunting.

Jersey Shore Map

Jersey Shore real estate offices

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Fish Real Estate - Lock Haven
220 N. Jay St.
Lock Haven, PA
(570) 893-4220
Realtors & Staff

Fish Commercial Group
1868 E. Third St.
Williamsport, PA
(570) 326-4067
Realtors & Staff

Fish Real Estate - Williamsport
1868 E. Third St.
Williamsport, PA
(570) 326-1561
Realtors & Staff

Real estate near Jersey Shore